FRAMEWORK foreign language user translations.

Framework & The FRED Computer Language Home

The current version of Framework for Windows XP/2000 is multilingual, allowing switching between languages while Framework is running. Framework language information including menus, messages, data formats, symbols and preferences are kept in a database which can be edited by the user or are menu controlled. Addtional translations can be added as a field in the database from Framework. It is just as easy to customize Framework with specific country information while the program is running. Customization of the keyboard drivers is done in a table that can be edited by the user and can be modified and applied while Framework is running. The same is largely true for Framework screen fonts which can be reloaded from a file while running. Framework comes with a font editor and a number of other language fonts such as Cyrillic.

Older versions of Framework are shipped with foreign language resource files (.RES) containing the Framework menus and messages text and customized date formats as well as other local formatting. The RES files are compiled from Framework disk based databases consisting of a column for each translated language.
The translation databases are maintained in Framework hence existing translations can be updated and new translation can be added by Framework users. Framework screen fonts can be reloaded from a file while running. Framework comes with a font editor and a number of other language fonts such as Cyrillic.
The translation database for older versions are available via e-mail to Framework user who are interested in modifying existing translations or adding new once. The updated database are sent back to us for compilation.
Both the RES files menus and the disk-based menus can be freely modified without interfering with FRED programs or user interface. The international menu names such a "{MENU#CE}" which are based on the English version are not impacted by the RES files menu names while the Ctrl-Char menu references are automatically adjust to whatever menu names are loaded from the current RES file and are available both to the @pk (@performkeys) and the user keyboard input.